Sunday, 28 June 2009

Fighters for Freedom and Democracy Avenue

The name of the street on the photo is: "Fighters for Freedom and Democracy Avenue". I don't know when the street was named, but it was in communists times. But the name is still the same, only the words: freedom and democracy changed their meanings. I wish the people of Iran all the best and the change of meaning of freedom and democracy in their country.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. Freedom and dcocracy, like ice in a sieve, apply a little factional heat and they melt away...The leadership of nations and smaller communitis has been a debatable asset since time immerorial.

  2. So creative, so epic. It made remember the name of Coldplay album.



  3. Good choice for the special theme day.

  4. Zgodność rzeczy i jej nazwy to nie tylko problem z dziedziny filozofii języka - świat byłby lepszy, gdyby takie słowa jak wolność czy demokracja nie zmieniały znaczenia w politycznych rozgrywkach.

  5. What a better name for an avenue on today post?! Clever choice!

  6. Thank you for a wonderful post today.

  7. I'm glad for your support. I'd like to make you aware of this video. Jump to 00:27:10 if you don't like to watch the whole video. I think this is what most western countries deny but it is all connected.


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